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Petit Déjeuner FORAC | Lars Svensson


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7 nov. 2023

Lars Svensson
Fondateur & PDG
Nordic Forestry Automation


Toward Automation and Digital Tools in Nordic Forestry - A perspective from the intersection between academia and industry in Sweden

The global forestry sector is standing before previously unseen challenges relating to increased demand for sustainable raw materials, carbon balance and biodiversity. Increased use of digital tools and automation is generally accepted as the way forward when it comes to improving forestry precision and facilitating sustainable utilization of forest environments.

In this talk, Mr Svensson aims to provide some insight into the development of such technology in the Nordic forestry sector (Sweden in particular), from his perspective as a former PhD student researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, turned founder and CEO of the spinoff company NFA, Nordic Forestry Automation. In particular, he will cover past and ongoing projects in autonomous driving of forestry machines and sensor-based operator support systems for forestry machines. Intro to the company:


Heure : 10 h 00
En présentiel : PLT-3370
En ligne :
ID de réunion : 678 1711 6970
Code secret : 859673